Javascript 무료 풀강의 | 9시간이면 누구든 Javascript 개발자로 만들어버리는 마법같은 영상 | 타임스탬프 O

Updated: January 19, 2025



The video covers an in-depth explanation of JavaScript, its major platforms like React and Express, and setting up coding environments using Visual Studio Code. Various key topics like variable declaration, naming conventions, data types, operators, loops, type conversions, functions, object-oriented programming, and error handling are thoroughly explored. Additionally, the video delves into property attributes, prototypes, function scopes, global objects, memory management, execution contexts, hoisting, closure, and asynchronous programming concepts like async/await and promises.

Introduction to JavaScript

Explanation of the depth of the JavaScript course, covering the language, and how JavaScript engine works. Mention of major JavaScript platforms like React, Express, NestJS, and NextJS.

Setting up Environment with Visual Studio Code

Guidance on setting up the environment for coding using Visual Studio Code, a commonly used code editor. Instructions for downloading, installing, and configuring the IDE.

Installing Extensions for Development

Explanation of installing extensions in Visual Studio Code for efficient coding. Mention of Live Server extension for quick execution of code.

Commenting in JavaScript

Demonstration of commenting in JavaScript code using single-line and multi-line comment methods. Explanation of the purpose of comments in code for readability and understanding.

Variable Declaration in JavaScript

Explanation of variable declaration in JavaScript using keywords like 'let' and 'const'. Demonstration of declaring variables and assigning values in JavaScript.

Variable Declaration and Assignment

Explains the concepts of declaration and assignment in JavaScript using const and let keywords. Demonstrates how to comment out code on Mac using command key, and highlights the importance of const keyword requiring initialization of values.

Naming Conventions

Discusses naming conventions for variables and functions in JavaScript, emphasizing the use of English, avoiding special characters as the first character, starting with a letter or underscore, and not using keywords as names.

Naming Styles

Introduces three common naming styles in programming: Camel Case, Snake Case, and Pascal Case. Explains the rules and examples for each style.

Data Types in JavaScript

Lists and explains the six primitive data types in JavaScript: Number, String, Boolean, Undefined, Null, and Symbol, along with the Object type. Demonstrates declaring and checking the type of variables in JavaScript.

String Type

Explained how to declare and work with string type values in JavaScript, including using single and double quotes, escaping characters, and template literals.

Boolean Type

Discussed the true and false values in boolean type in JavaScript and how they are used without using quotes or template literals.

Undefined and Null Types

Differentiated between undefined and null types in JavaScript, highlighting the initialization and usage of these values.

Dictionary in JavaScript

Introduction to creating and accessing dictionaries in JavaScript using key-value pairs.

Array in JavaScript

Explanation on declaring and modifying arrays in JavaScript, including accessing values by index.

Hoisting in JavaScript

Explanation of hoisting in JavaScript, including examples with variable declarations and initialization.

Operators in JavaScript

Overview of arithmetic operators in JavaScript, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus operations.

Variable assignment with ++ operator

Explains how to use the ++ operator to assign values to variables and demonstrates the effect of placing the operator before or after the variable.

Understanding the - operator

Discusses the usage of the - operator and how the position of the operator affects the sequence.

Increment and decrement operators

Illustrates the behavior of the ++ and -- operators for increasing or decreasing the variable values.

String vs. Number comparison

Highlights the comparison between strings and numbers in programming and demonstrates how values are interpreted in comparisons.

Logical operators and comparisons

Explains logical operators such as ==, !=, >, <, >=, <= and their application in comparisons.

Logical Operators

Explanation of logical operators such as 'and' and 'or' in Python with examples.

Conditional Statements

Introduction to conditional statements using 'if' statements and examples in Python.

Short-circuit Evaluation

Explanation of short-circuit evaluation in Python with examples using 'and' and 'or' operators.

Exponential Operator

Explanation of the exponential operator '**' in Python for calculating powers.

Null Operator

Explanation of the null operator 'None' in Python and its usage with examples.

Memory in Programming

Overview of memory in programming, including CPU, RAM, memory cells, and data storage.

Variables and Memory

Explanation of variables and memory usage in programming with examples in Python.

If-Else Statements

Introduction to if-else statements in Python with examples to check for even or odd numbers.

Conditional Statements

Explanation of how to use if-else conditional statements in JavaScript to check for even and odd numbers using examples.

Switch Statements

Demonstration of switch statements in JavaScript to handle multiple conditions using English days of the week examples.


Explanation of loops in JavaScript with an example of a for loop to create a square pattern using stars.

Loop with Arrays

Using for loop with arrays in JavaScript to iterate through and retrieve key values like names from objects and arrays.

Array and For loops in JavaScript

Explanation of using arrays and for loops in JavaScript, including the for...of loop and the loop.

While Loop Implementation

Demonstration of implementing a while loop in JavaScript with an example starting from 0 and incrementing until reaching 10.

Break Statement in Loops

Introduction to the break statement in loops with an example showing how to break out of a loop based on a condition.

Continue Statement in Loops

Explanation of the continue statement in loops with an example showcasing how to skip an iteration based on a condition.

Type Conversion in JavaScript

Discussion on type conversion in JavaScript, covering explicit and implicit type conversions with examples.

이 값과 이 값의 타입 변환

이 값과 96을 더하고자 할 때 타입 변환을 통해 숫자를 문자열로 변환하여 작업해야 함. 콘솔 출력 및 타입 체크를 통해 변환된 결과 확인.

타입 변환 주의사항

잘못된 코드 작성으로 버그 발생을 막기 위해 적절한 타입 변환을 명시하고 적용해야 함. 변환 시 암묵적 변환이 아닌 명시적인 변환을 권장함.

스트링 변환

숫자를 문자열로 변환하는 방법은 주로 toString 또는 간단한 식을 통해 처리할 수 있음. 콘솔 출력을 통해 숫자 타입을 문자열로 변환하는 과정을 확인함.

숫자 정수로 변환

정수 값을 다룰 때는 parseInt를 활용하여 숫자를 정수로 변환해야 함. 변환시 주의할 점은 정수로 변환이 되는지 확인하는 것이 중요함.

불리언 타입 변환

문자열에 값이 존재하는지 여부를 확인하기 위해 불리언 타입 변환을 사용함. 불리언 변환에 따른 결과를 살펴보고 원하는 값으로의 변환을 명확히 해야 함.

0은 펄스인가 트루인가

0의 숫자 값과 문자열 값에 따른 불리언 변환 시 펄스와 트루의 차이를 이해해야 함. 원하는 결과를 얻기 위해 변환 메커니즘을 이해하고 활용해야 함.

함수 정의 및 활용

함수를 정의하고 사용하는 방법을 학습함. 파라미터와 아규먼트의 차이를 이해하고 함수를 효과적으로 활용할 수 있도록 연습함.

Function Parameters

Explanation of how to work with function parameters in JavaScript, including default values and multiple parameters.

Multiple Parameters

Demonstration of defining and using functions with multiple parameters in JavaScript.

Return Keyword

Introduction to the return keyword in JavaScript functions and how it can be used to return values from functions.

Arrow Functions

Explanation of arrow functions in JavaScript, comparing them to regular functions and demonstrating their usage.

Using Function Arguments

Explained the usage of function arguments and how to use them within a function.

Using Rest Parameters

Introduced the concept of rest parameters in functions to receive an indefinite number of arguments.

Applying the Reduce Function

Demonstrated the use of the reduce function to multiply all values in an array together.

Exploring Array Functions

Introduction to basic array functions like push, pop, shift, and unshift with examples of how they work.

Deleting Elements in Array

Learned how to delete elements in a newly created and modified array and return the length of the array.

Console Log Method Recommendation

Advised to use the console log method after inserting values into the array. Demonstrated deleting elements by specifying the index and the number of elements to delete.

Slice Method

Explained the slice method for deleting elements in an array without changing the original array. Demonstrated removing elements from an array using the slice method.

Spread Operator

Introduced the spread operator and its usage to create a new array without modifying the original array. Showed how to spread values in an array and compare arrays using the spread operator.

Join Method

Explained the join method for combining array elements into a string with a specified separator. Demonstrated joining array elements with different separators like / and ,.

Sort and Reverse Methods

Discussed sorting and reversing arrays using JavaScript methods. Showed examples of sorting arrays in ascending and descending order.

Sorting with Sort and Map Functions

Explanation of sorting using sort and map functions in JavaScript, demonstrating how to specify sorting criteria and manipulate arrays using these functions.

Exploring the Map Function

Introduction to the map function in JavaScript, showcasing how it iterates over array values and returns specific values based on the specified criteria.

Filtering with Filter and Find Functions

Demonstration of filtering arrays using the filter and find functions in JavaScript to extract specific values based on conditions.

Understanding Reduce Function

Explanation of the reduce function in JavaScript, illustrating how it operates by applying a callback function to each element of an array to reduce it into a single value.

Exploring Objects in JavaScript

Introduction to objects in JavaScript, emphasizing their importance as a fundamental data type for data structuring and manipulation.

Adding Values to Objects

Explanation of adding values to objects by using key-value pairs and methods inside objects.

Defining Methods in Objects

Illustration of defining methods inside objects and accessing them using dot notation.

Using 'this' Keyword

Explanation of the 'this' keyword in JavaScript, its usage, and how it refers to the currently defined object.

Updating Object Properties

Demonstration of updating object properties, including adding and deleting properties using template literals and the 'this' keyword.

Object Declaration Rules

Explanation of rules when declaring objects, including modifying properties and the const keyword in JavaScript.

Object Properties and Methods

Demonstration of updating object properties and methods, including changing values and accessing them using dot notation.

Objects Comparison

Explanation of object comparison in JavaScript, emphasizing the copying of objects and understanding reference and value types.

변경이 되는 오리지널 오브젝트

Explaining how the original object changes when modified in the context of cloning.

클론 오브젝트 출력

Demonstrating the output of the cloned object.

오리지널과 클론 출력 비교

Comparing the outputs of the original and cloned objects after making changes.

오리지널 및 클론 트루 비교

Comparing the original and cloned objects' values to show they are true.

메모리 할당과 변경

Explaining memory allocation and changes when modifying objects.

프리미티브 값 카피

Discussing the copying of primitive values.

스프레드 오퍼레이터 활용

Explaining the use of the spread operator for copying values efficiently.

Spread Operator

Introduction to the spread operator in JavaScript and its importance in manipulating values and arrays.

Try Catch

Explaining the try-catch block in JavaScript for error handling, including defining functions, throwing errors, and catching errors.

Error Handling

Demonstrating error handling in JavaScript using try-catch blocks to catch and handle errors effectively.

Finally Keyword

Explaining the finally keyword in JavaScript for executing code after try-catch regardless of errors.

Classes and OOP

Introduction to classes and object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in JavaScript, including defining classes and instances.

객체 생성 및 초기화

객체 생성 및 인스턴스 초기화 방법에 대한 설명과 예제 코드를 통해 실제로 객체를 생성하는 과정을 알아봅니다.

생성자 정의

클래스의 생성자(Constructor)를 정의하는 방법과 생성자를 통해 인스턴스에 값을 입력하는 과정을 설명합니다.

인스턴스 생성 및 출력

클래스를 통해 인스턴스를 생성하고 값을 입력하여 출력하는 방법을 예제 코드와 함께 살펴봅니다.

프로퍼티와 메소드

클래스 내에서 프로퍼티와 메소드를 정의하는 방법에 대해 설명하고, 각각의 역할과 차이를 알아봅니다.

게터와 세터

게터(Getter)와 세터(Setter)의 개념을 소개하고, 클래스 내에서 게터와 세터를 어떻게 정의하고 활용하는지에 대해 학습합니다.

Using Getters in JavaScript

Explains how to use getters in JavaScript classes and the difference between getters and functions for accessing object properties.

Using Setters in JavaScript

Discusses the usage of setters in JavaScript classes and how they allow changing property values of objects.

Understanding Static Keyword in JavaScript

Explains the concept of the static keyword in JavaScript classes and its role in creating static methods for classes.

Creating Factory Constructor with Static Keyword

Demonstrates how to create factory constructors using the static keyword in JavaScript classes to initialize instances based on object properties.

Model Instantiation

Explained how to instantiate a model using constructor functions and passing parameters.

Static Methods

Discussed the usage of static methods to return instances and their advantages.

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, including inheritance and instances.

Inheritance in OOP

Explained inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming, including superclass and subclass relationships.

Constructor and Inheritance

Discusses constructors, inheritance, and how to add properties to a model while inheriting constructors.

Super Keyword

Explains the use of the super keyword to access constructors from the parent class.

Override Constructor

Discusses overriding constructors and using the super keyword to retain the original constructor if needed.

Class Methods

Demonstrates defining and using class methods like sayHello and how to override them in subclasses.

Model Classes

Defines multiple model classes like Country, Idol, IdolGroup, and their properties and methods.

Extending Classes

Illustrates extending classes, inheriting properties and methods, and mapping data to instances of different classes.

Object Creation and Grouping

Creating and grouping objects in JavaScript, forming idol groups with members mapped as male idols, and defining and executing instances of idol groups and countries.

Object-Oriented Programming Challenges

Challenges of learning object-oriented programming, encouragement to persevere and repeat learning to achieve understanding, and an overview of object-oriented programming for beginners.

Different Ways of Object Creation

Exploring different methods of object creation in JavaScript, including object declaration, class instantiation, and function usage with examples.

Understanding Property Attributes

Introduction to property attributes in JavaScript, distinguishing between data properties and accessor properties, and learning how to access property attributes using console.log.

Explanation of Three Property Attributes

Explanation of three property attributes: value, writable, and configurable in JavaScript objects.

Accessing and Modifying Properties

Accessing and modifying properties in JavaScript objects, understanding the getter and setter, and exploring the possibility of property attribute redefinition.

Defining and Using Accessor Properties

Defining and using accessor properties, demonstrating how to define property attributes and configure them in JavaScript objects.

Changing Property Attributes

Exploring how to change property attributes such as configurable, writable, and enumerable in JavaScript objects, and understanding the behavior of each attribute.

Error Handling and Property Changes

Handling errors when changing property attributes like configurable and writable in JavaScript objects, and explaining exceptions in value and writable attributes.

Practice with Property Attributes

Practicing with property attributes in JavaScript objects, including changing values, defining property attributes, and testing property behavior.

Utilizing Property Attributes

In this chapter, the speaker emphasizes the active use of property attributes in modern programming, showcasing its importance and widespread usage.

Object Initialization and Access

The speaker demonstrates object initialization and access methods, including setting and retrieving properties using parameters and methods such as ".er" and ".get".

Static Methods and Object Extensions

The chapter covers static methods, object extensions, and the concept of preventing object extensions using methods like "prevent extension."

Property Attributes Modification

The speaker illustrates modifying property attributes using methods like "DefineProperty" to change and configure properties within objects.

Freezing Objects

The section focuses on freezing objects and nested objects within them, showcasing the limitations and restrictions in modifying frozen objects and their properties.

Function as an Object Constructor

The speaker explains the process of creating objects using functions as constructors and the significance of using the "this" keyword for property settings.

Understanding Classes and Objects in JavaScript

Explaining how to create and use classes in JavaScript, including examples of defining classes, understanding the 'this' keyword, and utilizing the 'new' keyword for object instantiation.

Global Object and 'this' Keyword

Discussing the global object in JavaScript and how the 'this' keyword is affected by its usage, highlighting the need for proper handling of 'this' to avoid attaching it to the global object unintentionally.

New Keyword and Function Mistakes

Explaining common mistakes when using the 'new' keyword in JavaScript functions, showcasing scenarios where 'undefined' is returned and emphasizing the importance of correctly using the 'new' keyword for object creation.

Understanding Prototypes and Constructors

Introduction to prototypes and constructors in JavaScript, demonstrating how to access and manipulate prototypes in objects, and explaining the concept of constructor functions.

Exploring Proto Properties

Exploring the 'proto' property in JavaScript objects, highlighting its significance as a property that exists in all objects and resembles a parent class, and demonstrating its usage in object creation.

Parent Class Relation in Objects

Detailing the relationship between objects and their parent classes in JavaScript, explaining how the 'proto' property relates to parent classes and demonstrating how it influences object properties.

Understanding Prototype Chain

Explaining the prototype chain in JavaScript, showcasing how objects reference each other through prototypes, and providing examples to illustrate the concept of prototype chaining in objects.

Understanding Object References

Discusses the role of underscores and prototypes in object references and explains the references between Idol Model and Prototype functions.

Comparison and References

Discusses references between functions and prototypes, including how Idol Model functions and prototypes reference each other.

Object Inheritance

Explains how object inheritance works and how Idol Model prototypes reference each other in a chain.

Function and Prototype Relationships

Discusses the relationship between functions and prototypes, including references and object inheritance.

Creating Instances and Using Prototypes

Demonstrates creating instances of objects and utilizing prototypes to access shared properties and methods.

Static Methods and Prototypes

Explains the concept of static methods within prototypes and demonstrates using them in object instances.

Introduction to Overriding

Explains the concept of overriding in JavaScript by declaring a new instance and prototype method.

Overriding Prototype Method

Demonstrates overriding the prototype method by creating a new instance and modifying the say hello function.

Property Shadowing

Discusses property shadowing in JavaScript and how instances can override prototype functions.

Changing the Prototype

Explores changing the prototype to inherit properties efficiently and manage them effectively.

Inheritance and Prototype Chain

Examines inheritance in JavaScript by changing the prototype of an instance and showcasing the effects of the modification.

Changing Constructor and Prototype Relationship

Illustrates changing the constructor and prototype relationship to demonstrate the impact on instantiated objects.

Challenges with Prototype Inheritance

Discusses the challenges and differences in prototype inheritance when modifying constructors and prototypes.

Creating Ray Object

Explanation of creating a Ray object using New keyword and setting its values.

Prototype Values

Discussion on the prototype values of the Ray object and changes made to the prototype.

FEM Idol Model

Introduction of FEM Idol model and prototype usage.

Prototype Modification

Details on modifying the prototype to enable functionality with the FEM Idol model.

Comparison using Constructor

Comparison between ray.constructor and Idol model to determine prototype connections.

Function Implementation

Explaining the phenomenon occurring when functions are modified directly in the prototype.

Prototype Referring

Discussion on how the prototype is referenced in the function.

Changing Connections

Explanation of changing constructor connections to the Idol model prototype.

Automatic Object Generation

Describing how objects are automatically created with prototype values when generating objects.

Understanding Prototype Chain

Insight into the prototype chain and understanding the connections between constructor and prototype.

Understanding Scopes in JavaScript

Explanation of how scopes are determined in JavaScript and the importance of understanding them for function execution.

Function Execution and Scope Testing

Demonstration of function execution and scope testing in JavaScript.

Window Objects and Global Object

Explanation of window objects, global objects, and how they are related in JavaScript.

Function Declaration and Execution

Demonstration of function declaration, execution, and the use of 'this' keyword in JavaScript.

Prototype Methods in JavaScript

Explanation of using prototype methods and defining functions in JavaScript.

Binding Functions in JavaScript

Exploration of binding functions in JavaScript and the difference between apply, call, and bind methods.

Global and Function Context in Execution

Discussion on global and function contexts in JavaScript execution and how they affect the code.

Understanding Memory Management

Explanation of memory management in terms of memory and call stack, illustrating how functions are executed within the stack.

Execution Process of Functions

Detailing the execution flow of functions within the stack, demonstrating function calls and returns.

Execution Context Stack

Explanation of the execution context stack and how functions are pushed and popped from the stack during execution.

Hoisting Concept

Discussion on hoisting in JavaScript, showcasing how variables are hoisted in the creation phase and their execution.

Debugging in Execution Context

Demonstration of debugging within the execution context using browser tools to examine the code execution process.

Creating Functions in HTML

Example of creating and executing functions in HTML with script tags, showcasing variable declaration and function execution.

Creating Lexical Scope

Understanding how lexical scope is created and how functions can access variables in different scopes.

Definition of Closure

Explaining the concept of closure with an example and demonstrating how variables are retained in memory.

Examples of Closure

Providing examples and demonstrations of closure in JavaScript functions.

Caching Data with Closure

Explaining how closure can be used for caching data and improving performance in functions.

Private Variables with Closure

Discussing the concept of private variables using closure and demonstrating how access to variables is restricted outside functions.

Introduction to Asynchronous Programming

Introduction to the concept of asynchronous programming as a solution to the inefficiency of executing only one task at a time in programming.

Difference Between Async and Sync Programming

Explains the difference between asynchronous (async) programming and synchronous (sync) programming, where 'b' in front of 'sync' represents 'not,' and 'a' in front of 'sync' means the opposite.

Example: Hello World with Synchronous Programming

Demonstrates an example code snippet where a task taking 2 seconds completes, and 'World' is output after completion in synchronous programming.

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Programming Execution

Illustrates the execution process of a task taking 2 seconds in synchronous programming and how it differs from asynchronous programming where tasks can continue without waiting for completion.

Creating a Section and Practical Exercise

Sets up a practical exercise by creating a section called '4' and proceeding with the task using async programming.

Using getTime to Get Current Time

Shows how to retrieve the current date and time using JavaScript's getTime method, which returns the time in milliseconds since 1970.

Understanding SetTimeout Function

Explains the SetTimeout function which executes a specified function after a given time interval, allowing asynchronous programming in JavaScript.

Callback Functions and Introduction to Promises

Introduces callback functions and the concept of Promises as a solution to callback hell (nested callbacks) in JavaScript programming.

Using reserve Function

Explaining how to use the reserve function to easily receive return values in JavaScript promises.

Timeout Promise Object

Demonstrating the creation and use of a timeout promise object with examples in JavaScript.

Executing Resolve Function

Explaining the role of the resolve function in executing promises and receiving return values in JavaScript.

Creating Functions that Return Promises

Guidance on creating functions that return promises in JavaScript for asynchronous operations.

Chaining Promises

Demonstrating how to chain promises in JavaScript to handle multiple asynchronous operations sequentially.

Handling Promise Reject

Illustrating how to handle promise rejection and error scenarios in JavaScript promises.

Simultaneously Executing Promises

Demonstrating how to execute multiple promises simultaneously and handle their responses in JavaScript.

Using Async Await

Introduction to using async/await in JavaScript for asynchronous programming and simplifying promise handling.


Q: What are some major JavaScript platforms mentioned in the file?

A: React, Express, NestJS, and NextJS

Q: How can you set up the environment for coding using Visual Studio Code?

A: Downloading, installing, and configuring the IDE

Q: Why is commenting important in code?

A: For readability and understanding

Q: What are the three common naming styles in programming mentioned in the file?

A: Camel Case, Snake Case, and Pascal Case

Q: List the six primitive data types in JavaScript mentioned in the file.

A: Number, String, Boolean, Undefined, Null, Symbol, and Object

Q: What are some common arithmetic operators in JavaScript discussed?

A: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus, and ++ operator

Q: Explain the usage of logical operators in JavaScript.

A: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=

Q: What is the purpose of conditional statements in programming?

A: To create different execution paths based on certain conditions

Q: How can you iterate through elements in an array in JavaScript?

A: Using for loops, for...of loops, and loops

Q: What is the purpose of type conversion in JavaScript?

A: To manipulate data types for operations or comparisons

Q: What is the importance of function parameters in JavaScript?

A: To pass values to a function for processing

Q: Explain the concept of property attributes in JavaScript objects.

A: Attributes like value, writable, and configurable that define property behavior

Q: What is the significance of prototypes in JavaScript object-oriented programming?

A: To enable sharing of properties and methods among instances through inheritance


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